All About Acai Berries

All About Acai Berries

If you’ve been anywhere near a news station or site these days, you’ve heard of what many are referring to as a magic fruit, the Acai Berry. So, what is it and what do you need to know about the Acai Berry?

Acai Palm

Fruit juice mix
Fruit juice mix (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Acai Berry is a berry grown on the Acai palm plant and is grown in Central and South Americas. The berry grows in bunches-beginning as a green color and maturing to the purple color that most people recognize it for. The Acai pulp-which makes up only about 20% of the Acai Berry-is the aspect that has been reported to have the health benefits most referred to-as far as antioxidant, cancer-fighting minerals and nutrients. So far-because the pulp of the berry makes up such a small percent of the fruit and also that this pulp is extremely delicate-the Acai Berry has only been offered in fruit juice and supplement form. Moreover, you can get Acai Berry in an alcohol form-called Veey, which is the berry juice distilled.

Nutritional Value

As far as nutritional value, though the verdict is still out on whether or not it is the super food magic fruit that many have called it, it has shown to have the same properties of essential nutrients and minerals that many antioxidant-producing berries contain-which helps in the overall health of those who consume it as a part of their healthy diet.


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1 thought on “All About Acai Berries”

  1. It is a very good product full of nutrition antioxidants. The best product to loss fat fast and easy.

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