Grapefruit Diet Takes Just 12 Days

Grapefruit Diet Takes Just 12 Days

The easiest method to reduce fats is by following the 12-day grapefruit diet. A chief constituent of grapefruit diet is beta-carotene which is present in grapefruits and helps in reducing the cholesterol levels in one’s system.

12-day grapefruit diet is known by another name – the heart health diet. The unique feature of this kind of diet is that it permits individuals to have everything without avoiding any food. This diet produces better results when one consumes more food.


The grapefruit diet chart of just 12 days is the only diet chart which permits a person to consume until he is full. As he consumes more food, more fats get reduced in his body. The common requirements of the 12-day grapefruit diet are:

1) Nearly eight glasses of water should be consumed by individuals daily.

2) One should eat a lot of food and not avoid it.

3) The amount of grapefruit consumption should not alter at all.

4) One might have to lower their desserts and coffee intake.

5) One is allowed to have meat and also foodstuffs fried in butter.

6) One is required to follow this diet chart for 12 days continuously without fail.

Grapefruit intake throughout the day

Since grapefruit is the key food item in this diet, individuals following this diet chart are required to consume grapefruits at appropriate times. For breakfast, they have to eat half grapefruit or drink one glass of unsweetened juice along with plain coffee or tea. Individuals may also consume two pieces of bacon and eggs.

A half grapefruit and two eggs are the best choice for lunch. One may also have salad made of cucumber and tomato accompanied by vinegar, herbs and lemon apart from the grapefruit and eggs. Individuals may also drink coffee or plain tea with a slice of dry Melba toast.

Dinner for the 12-day grapefruit diet chart comprises of a half grapefruit or grapefruit juice without sugar. Besides that, one can also consume ham, chicken, beef or pieces of lean pork and green vegetables. For snacks, before going to bed, one may opt for a glass of milk without cream or tomato juice.

The dieters should not have breads, sweet potatoes, hot dogs, mayonnaise, white vegetables, chilies and pickles. They need to follow this diet chart continuously for 12 days and then stop it for two days.

It depends on the individual whether he will continue following the 12-day grapefruit diet chart after two days. To achieve the best outcome, one needs to pursue this diet chart for about 75 days. To know if any change is required in the diet chart or further assistance, the dietician should be consulted.

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1 thought on “Grapefruit Diet Takes Just 12 Days”

  1. First time i hear about Grapefruit Diet, but after reading your post, it seems like this diet can be useful for people
    .-= Slim Weight Patch´s last blog ..What Is A Celebrity Fad Diet? =-.

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