The PAGG stack supplement, as introduced by Tim Ferriss in his Four Hour Body book in 2010, is now precisely formulated for easy dosing and shipped worldwide by Pareto Nutrition. So many people are looking for a safe and natural supplement stack, containing a range of natural healthy ingredients which work together synergistically to promote fat loss and body recomposition.
The role of green tea flavanols in the PAGG stack concerns how energy is stored within the body – when you eat excess carbohydrates, providing more energy than the body immediately needs, the tendency is for the unrequired calories to be stored as fat. This is one reason for the success of the Slow Carb Diet program, which structures meals to ensure the calories are digested slowly and gradually, supplying the body’s energy needs throughout the time between meals. However the green tea flavanol ECGC (Epigallocatechin gallate) helps to divert those calories to the muscle cells instead, inhibiting their storage as fat – this is really important if you are trying to build a leaner and healthier body. ECGC also helps to accelerate the aging and destruction of fat cells as well, which is very important in preventing the ‘yo yo dieting effect’ – because so often fat cells are not removed, but merely reduced in size… ready to grow easily back to the former size once previous calorie intake is resumed.
So, why aren’t we all drinking cup after cup of green tea? The Japanese drink it most days, and their natural longevity and low incidence of certain cancers first brought green tea the attention of Western scientists for this reason – but they tend to only drink a few cups a day, because it has naturally high levels of caffeine. To get the minimum effective dose recommended by Tim Ferriss for fat loss, you would need to knock back dozens of cups each day, and probably feel terrible and wired! Hardly the picture of zen health…
Far better to get your ECGC in a controlled and precisely measured supplement made using decaffeinated green tea flavanols, such as that contained in Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG stack. And to be 100% certain that there is no possibility of the PAGG stack supplement affecting your good night’s rest, they have in their latest formulation removed ECGC completely from the final bedtime capsule, concentrating the full daily dose across the 3 pre-meal capsules to ensure maximum affect on the calories of the food you eat.
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