Get A Jump Start On Your New Year’s Resolutions and Lose Weight This Holiday Season

You’ve heard all the statistics about how the average American will gain between five and fifteen pounds over the holiday season. However, if you’re like most Americans, you’re probably hoping to lose weight during the holidays instead of gaining it. While losing weight this holiday season may seem impossible, it’s not. There are plenty of tricks and tips to help you lose weight and get a jump start on your New Year’s resolutions. These five tips will ensure that the scale goes down and you end this holiday season thinner than you started it.

Eat More Protein

Eating more protein can help you feel fuller for longer and keep hunger at bay. Basing your snacks and meals around protein with a side of vegetables will keep you satiated and less prone to eating the empty calories present in holiday foods such as candies, baked goods, and other fattening, sugary items.

Eat Before Parties

One of the biggest issues you’ll probably face over the holidays is the number of parties you’ll have to attend. At a party, it can be difficult to say no to your favorite foods, or to turn down your host’s special dish. Not to mention that all the delicious food can cause you to overindulge and eat junk food that you wouldn’t normally eat. The best way to not overeat at parties is to eat a healthy meal beforehand.

Exercise More Often

Even with the best laid plans, chances are that you’ll eat more than you normally do over the holiday season. The best way to combat this is to exercise more often to burn off any extra calories. Lifting weights several times a week and doing cardio three to five times a week is ideal, but any kind of movement during the day is beneficial. Walking the dog, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car further away from the door when shopping, even doing squats or lifting weights while waiting for food to cook can really add up to help you lose weight over the holidays.

Plan Ahead

Another reason people gain weight during the holidays is because their normal schedules and routines are disrupted by office parties, holiday dinners, and other gatherings. One of the best ways to combat this is to plan ahead. For example, if you know you’re going to have a Christmas lunch at the office full of sugary, fattening foods, you can plan ahead by choosing to eat a lighter breakfast and exercising more later in the day.

Track Your Food and Weight

Keeping a food journal or diary can be extremely helpful in losing weight during the holiday season. It’s also helpful to weigh yourself once a week. By keeping track of your weight and what you’re eating, you can see where you need to make changes to your diet and ensure you’re continuing to lose weight.

Every weight lifter knows that protein is the key component to fueling muscles. Matt Porter, a competitive weight lifter, recommends the best protein powder for muscle definition.

Get A Jump Start On Your New Year's Resolutions and Lose Weight This Holiday Season by
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2 thoughts on “Get A Jump Start On Your New Year’s Resolutions and Lose Weight This Holiday Season”

  1. It’s all about planning and keeping portion sizes small.

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  2. In holidays people eat more than their actual diet and it increase their weight during the holidays.But if the people would care for the above steps or we can say that these activities in their routine that will surely keep them safe from gaining the weight.

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