Stevia Side Effects Unveiled

Stevia Side Effects Unveiled

Stevia is a natural sweetener obtained from the plant Stevia rebaudiana, which is commonly found in South America. Over the recent past, Stevia has been known to be a sweetener that not only adds the sweet taste but also one that promotes better health compared to natural cane and other sweeteners. However, a number of negative stevia side effects exist and any user ought to be wary.

To start with, one of stevia side effects is dizziness. Someone may suffer from dizziness after consuming stevia, but history has shown that this dizziness does not last for … Read more at Cleanse Body

Iron Rich Foods Boost Energy

The Best Power Foods

If you do not understand the reason you still feel exhausted after a good night’s rest,take a closer look at the food you put on your plate. Elizabeth Somer, a registered dietitian and author of “Eat Your Way To Happiness” states that even the slightest deficiency in a nutrient can cause you to feel sluggish. Eating a great deal of bad food will have about he same impact. So if your energy levels have not been high, add these energy-producing foods to your diet.

A drop in energy may mean you need more iron. Include extra … Read more at Cleanse Body