Food Myths That Can Make You Fat

There are a number of erroneous, beliefs about nutrition, that can actually cause weight gain. Here is a list of some of the more common ones. Read on to discover if any of them are familiar to you.

Adopting a vegan eating plan will automatically cause weight loss.
It’s true that research has shown vegans and vegetarians typically consume fewer calories, but, going vegan strictly as a means of losing weight can backfire. Many times, those who are new to veganism can fail to consume adequate amounts of vital nutrients, and it can also be easy to fall into … Read more at Cleanse Body

How to Gain Weight and Muscle as a Skinny Guy ? Prepare The Kitchen !

How to Gain Weight Fast and Build Muscle for Skinny Guys With a Highly Fast Metabolism ?

I am able to answer that question from a heavy personal experienced point of view, as a few years ago, I weighted only fifty five kilograms, on a 1.81m height! As I am writing this article right now, I weigh 30 more kilograms, most of it muscles, and I assume most of you skinny guys out there would like to know the ‘secret’ behind this unusual transformation.

The problem with skinny guys is not only our unusually low appetite. It is also our … Read more at Cleanse Body

Full Workout Routines to Lose Weight

Want to know how to lose weight efficiently? Try having a full workout routine. It is one of the many ways to lose weight, but what makes it great is the efficiency it offers. A plan that works for you is better than any other pre-made plan out there so if you are interested about having your own workout routine, then do not hesitate to start one. Here are some guidelines to help you out:

Control calories through diet.

First in the list is to modify your daily calorie intake through dieting. Thinking that you only need to add … Read more at Cleanse Body

Avoid These Common Fast Weight Loss Mistakes

Most people will try to lose weight at some point in their lives, and of course results will always vary. Some people find it incredibly easy while others will struggle with it for a long time. Even though it all boils down to basic science and burning more calories than you consume, there are many ways to go wrong when it comes to losing weight. Just ask any yo-yo dieter or somebody who has been struggling with their weight since their teenage years. Maybe it’s the combination of seemingly easy answers with a need for fast results. Or it … Read more at Cleanse Body

The 6-week Workout Program for Women and the Complementary Diet

The 6-week Workout Program for Women and the Complementary Diet

The 6-week workout program for women is a way of improving women’s life expectancy, but also reduces the hospitalization length for women who previously suffered heart failure. Among all gym workout routines for women, the 6 week workout program strengthens your muscles better than any other routine, and keeps them flexible and mobile.

There are several 6-week gym workout routines for women one can choose from, depending on the level of difficulty desired. If you are a beginner, then simply stick to a short program that increases in intensity … Read more at Cleanse Body

How to Effectively Lose Stomach Fat

Many people are suffering with weight related issues and want to know why they are struggling so much with losing stomach fat.

There can be several reasons for this and they can include a slow metabolism as well as the quantity and type of foods that they are eating.

These are by no means the only factors that can be attributed to difficulty in a persons efforts to lose belly fat, but they are a couple of the most common.

Slow Metabolism and Belly Fat

Many people have gone on numerous weight loss programs and have used a variety … Read more at Cleanse Body