Managing Nosy Well-Wishers While on a Diet

Making the decision to go on a diet isn’t hard, but sticking to it certainly is. Well-meaning family members often pressure us to eat foods we would rather avoid when we visit for special occasions like holidays. Others pressure dieters into follow the program that worked for them. If you run into problems well-wishers who think they are helping but are actually sabotaging your efforts, you may need to address the situation directly so that you are all able to feel more comfortable around the table.

Explain Your Dietary Choices Clearly

If a friend or family member repeatedly tries to … Read more at Cleanse Body

How To Dealing With Pimple and Acne Problems

Acne is a common problem among teenagers and some adults that can be very embarrassing and frustrating. Sometimes pimples can be painful, but even if they aren’t, they take the focus away from who you really are. It can be very uncomfortable when it feels like people are only staring at your face for the wrong reason. Fortunately, acne doesn’t have to plague you for the rest of your life. There are treatment options available that can help to minimize or eliminate your acne problems.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money on treatments either because there are … Read more at Cleanse Body