B12 Injection Dosage: The Right Amount

As much as vitamin b12 is very important in the boy, it is worth noting that it cannot be produced from within the body. There are certain external foods such as meat, dairy and fish that contain high levels of this vitamin. However, since most people are not able to get sufficient nutrients from the foods, taking vitamin b12 injection dosage is recommended. People who are constantly tired and also those who end up over working should make use of this vitamin. It is effective and has been known to contribute immensely when it comes to weight loss.

The process … Read more at Cleanse Body

Vitamin B12 Injections And Foods Controversy

The most controversial nutrient in the scientific world is probably vitamin B12. This vitamin is the only nutrient on planet earth to be produced by a soil bacteria. Only this bacteria can produce it, and neither an animal nor plant can. Many people do not know that, and automatically assume that this vitamin can be acquired by animal foods only, while the truth is that all vitamin B12 foods in our world, initially received their B12 content due to contact with the soil.

This vitamin is also controversial when it comes to supplements. While sub lingual tablets are pretty … Read more at Cleanse Body