Reduce Cellulite Presence Through Vitamin Intake

Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin b12 is essential to our body because it is needed in various metabolic processes and is particularly important in blood formation. In certain situations, an individual might encounter deficiencies regarding this vitamin due to poor unbalanced diet or certain metabolic problems and even strict vegetarians. In cases were dietary means become impossible, Vitamin B12 injections are given to address the problem. Vitamin B12 is a member of a group of water-soluble vitamins that is essential to various bodily processes. These vitamins have various functions regarding the integrity of our skin, our organs and the very cells … Read more at Cleanse Body

Iron Rich Foods Boost Energy

The Best Power Foods

If you do not understand the reason you still feel exhausted after a good night’s rest,take a closer look at the food you put on your plate. Elizabeth Somer, a registered dietitian and author of “Eat Your Way To Happiness” states that even the slightest deficiency in a nutrient can cause you to feel sluggish. Eating a great deal of bad food will have about he same impact. So if your energy levels have not been high, add these energy-producing foods to your diet.

A drop in energy may mean you need more iron. Include extra … Read more at Cleanse Body

Health Foods You Should Be Eating

There were quite a few scientific studies that indicated the beneficial properties of health supplements.  By eating healthy foods and sidelining processed junk food, you could dramatically increase your life expectancy. Here are a few specific foods that assist in this process.


Not many people would consider algae as a health food source. There are scientific studies that prove that you should. The algae Spirulina has been shown to contain antioxidant benefits, as well as serving as an anti-inflammatory supplement.


Originating in Indonesia and commonly considered to be the first breath fresheners, cloves have been used as … Read more at Cleanse Body

Healthy Juice Drinks – Fighting Insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, whether as a temporary thing, or if you are more unlucky, as a regular occurrence, then you’ll no doubt have tried everything under the sun to get yourself those forty winks at night. But most insomnia sufferers quickly discover that medicine like sleeping tablets will usually only provide you with a short term solution to your problem and not something you could do continually without causing your body more damage. In the long run you are far more likely to resolve your insomnia by looking at both your way of life and your diet. Think … Read more at Cleanse Body

B12 Injection Dosage: The Right Amount

As much as vitamin b12 is very important in the boy, it is worth noting that it cannot be produced from within the body. There are certain external foods such as meat, dairy and fish that contain high levels of this vitamin. However, since most people are not able to get sufficient nutrients from the foods, taking vitamin b12 injection dosage is recommended. People who are constantly tired and also those who end up over working should make use of this vitamin. It is effective and has been known to contribute immensely when it comes to weight loss.

The … Read more at Cleanse Body

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics—What’s the Difference?

You have probably heard or seen the words probiotic and prebiotic more than once.  Maybe you’ve seen it on your yogurt carton or read an article in a magazine about them.  So…what’s the fuss about?  Why are probiotics and prebiotics so important for your diet and what’s the difference between the two?

First of all, you need to know that more than 400 types of microorganisms are living in your gastrointestinal tract—right now, at this moment.  It may disgust you, but many of them are actually healthy.  However, some are not.  The healthy bacteria are there to protect your … Read more at Cleanse Body