Achieving Healthy Weight Loss – A Few Tips to Keep You Fit

We often hear that “Health is Wealth” and this is indeed true because the quality of our lives is affected by whether we are healthy or not. The hard part is that good health takes some effort to achieve, especially if you have weight loss issues. In the United States, about 66 percent of adults are obese or overweight, and this doesn’t yet include the percentage of children who are obese — childhood obesity statistics are another health concern in itself–This alarming rate of obesity should not be overlooked and more people should be informed about the health dangers of … Read more at Cleanse Body

Melts Fat Away – 3 Tips For Easy Weight Loss

The ugly truth is that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is with discipline. You must use more calories than you intake in your diet. Here are some ideals that will help you.

1. Challenge Your Friends

One of the best ways to be accountable to yourself is to share your goal with others. Start a weight loss challenge with a group of friends. Set goals together, have weekly weigh ins, and share tips and recipes. Create a facebook group and goad each other into meeting at the gym for workouts. A member of our group … Read more at Cleanse Body

Discover 5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting

A diet is simply a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Get the idea of dieting out of your head once and for all. Even if you do lose weight on some new fangled diet you’re more than likely to gain it back once you go off the diet.

What you need is to introduce a handful of new habits into your daily routine. Simple habits that you can live with, that will be become part of your lifestyle, a lifestyle that will allow you to become the healthy you that you have always wanted to be.

Stop Drinking Your

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Fitness Holidays and Alternatives

Ever wasted a perfectly good weekend or holiday doing absolutely nothing? Fitness holidays are an increasingly popular way to spend time off work. You can also go surfing, cycling, or hiking instead of lazing around the house eating potato chips and watching TV? The leisure and travel industries are only now starting to respond to the demand for holidays that maximize opportunities for physical activities over the holidays and even over weekends.

Online booking has revolutionized the way we spend our leisure time. Now it’s starting to change how we exercise and lose weight. A weight loss holiday combines the … Read more at Cleanse Body

Food Myths That Can Make You Fat

There are a number of erroneous, beliefs about nutrition, that can actually cause weight gain. Here is a list of some of the more common ones. Read on to discover if any of them are familiar to you.

Adopting a vegan eating plan will automatically cause weight loss.
It’s true that research has shown vegans and vegetarians typically consume fewer calories, but, going vegan strictly as a means of losing weight can backfire. Many times, those who are new to veganism can fail to consume adequate amounts of vital nutrients, and it can also be easy to fall into … Read more at Cleanse Body

Healthy Snacking Tips

When you hear the word “snack” what do you think of?  For some, it means weight gain, unhealthy or just a something to avoid.  However, it should mean weight loss, healthy and something that everyone should fit into their diets.  With the rise of sugary and salty foods, it can be hard to choose healthy snacks.  But they can be avoided—and there are healthy ways to snack.

First of all, to avoid “over-snacking,” never go too long without eating.  This will ultimately cause you to overindulge in something you weren’t planning on eating that day—and chances are it’s not … Read more at Cleanse Body