How to Lose Weight The Easy Way

Not losing weight at the rate you would like – or not at all? Think weight loss is hard? It’s not! Here are five easy ways to lose weight that work and work extremely well. Do them consistently, and you will lose weight:

  • Focus on what you can eat, not what is off limits. Listing all the food you’re not allowed to eat – either on paper or just mentally – is a common mistake by dieters, and a surefire way to stay overweight. Why? Well, consider this: if you’re going by car to, say, Chicago, are you concerned with
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Committing to Veganism

Becoming a vegan is major decision in a person’s life. It means being committed to an ideal that a greater portion of the world’s population will not see in the same light as you do. Most of us enjoy eating meat and foodstuffs that came from animals but a vegan will never touch anything that has animal ingredients in it, no matter how small the portion is. This idealism is what attracted me to become a vegan when I first encountered it. The first vegan that I got to know personally was a classmate of mine in one of my … Read more at Cleanse Body