Talking About VitaTop Muffin Tops

There is little doubt that muffin tops are the best part of the muffins. Recognizing that, the folks at Vitalicious have gone ahead and for every muffin imaginable, created lighter versions to be enjoyed. These VitaTop Muffin Tops go about 100 calories, contain at least 5 g of fiber, and little or no fat.

The VitaTop is easy to eat anywhere and anytime. The “one-hand” snack food that is so satisfying will fit wherever you would like to carry it with you.

Let’s take a look at some of the VitaTop Muffin Tops:

VitaTop Muffin Tops
butter, sugar, egg, flour, baking powder, chocolate, coconut flakes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Velvety Chocolate Low Carb/Sugar Free Vita Tops
Don’t wreck the diet and satisfy the cravings with this great substitution for traditional chocolate sweets.

Banana Nut sugar-Free/Low Carb VitaTops
Similar to banana bread but very moist and a bit heavier.

Double Chocolate Dream Vita Tops
Very dry and truly rich, this will take care of all cravings for chocolate!

Deep Chocolate VitaTops
Once again, will satisfy any chocolate craving anyone has.

Fudgy Peanut Butter Chip VitaTops
Great snack! Only complaint ever heard is that chips are only on top!

Golden Corn VitaTops
Tasty, low-calorie substitute for traditional cornbread. Some eaters take the time to dunk this in chili for a bit of extra taste.

CranBran VitaTops
For a 100 calorie snack, this is a great candidate!

AppleBerryBran VitaTops
Made with some organic ingredients, much healthier than the usual muffin. Although just a bit dry, it contains lots of fiber.

MultiBran VitaTops
A great way to get more fiber, this VitaTop Muffin Tops makes one feel full still has only 100 calories. Texture on this product is a bit more dense than the regular muffin.

BlueBran VitaTops
Surprisingly filling even though the size appears small, and still stays at the 100 calorie level. Another great way to enjoy fibers and whole grains.

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