Talking About VitaTop Muffin Tops

VitaTop Muffin Tops

There is little doubt that muffin tops are the best part of the muffins. Recognizing that, the folks at Vitalicious have gone ahead and for every muffin imaginable, created lighter versions to be enjoyed. These VitaTop Muffin Tops go about 100 calories, contain at least 5 g of fiber, and little or no fat.

The VitaTop is easy to eat anywhere and anytime. The “one-hand” snack food that is so satisfying will fit wherever you would like to carry it with you.

Let’s take a look at some of the VitaTop Muffin Tops:

VitaTop Muffin Tops
butter, sugar, egg, flour, baking powder,
Read more at Cleanse Body

The Best 7 Foods for a Leaner Body

There is no denying the fact that some foods are naturally healthier than others. It is important to make these foods part of your diet if you want to lose weight and get into shape because they provide essential nutrients while helping you stay full, burn fat, and build muscle. Here are 7 of these important diet foods:


Legumes like peas, lentils and beans are naturally high in protein and low in fat. In fact, they are 25 percent protein by weight and contain essential vitamins, fiber, and amino acids. Adding legumes to your diet are a good way … Read more at Cleanse Body