Not losing weight at the rate you would like – or not at all? Think weight loss is hard? It’s not! Here are five easy ways to lose weight that work and work extremely well. Do them consistently, and you will lose weight:
- Focus on what you can eat, not what is off limits. Listing all the food you’re not allowed to eat – either on paper or just mentally – is a common mistake by dieters, and a surefire way to stay overweight. Why? Well, consider this: if you’re going by car to, say, Chicago, are you concerned with all the roads that do not lead there, or the ones that do? To be successful at anything, we need to focus on what to do, and leave all the “not to do” things alone for the most part. That goes for dieting also. A diet does not consist of what you can no longer eat, but what you can. So make a list of all the healthy low calorie foods you should be eating, and take it with you every time you go shopping for food. Hang it on your fridge too. This will make it easier to stay on course.
- Go vegan. A vegan diet might be the most effective way to lose weight – provided you do it right. Focus on eating lots of high quality, clean vegan foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, sprouts, nuts and seeds, while avoiding junk like breakfast cereals, processed foods and sugary stuff like fruit juice. A properly planned plant based diet makes it incredibly easy to lose weight, and you can make it even more effective by eating most of your foods raw. The raw vegan lifestyle is becoming extremely popular all around the Western world, due in part to the fact that almost everyone who tries it reaches their ideal bodyweight easily. Do you have to go 100% vegan, or 100% raw vegan to get great results? Not at all. Make it simple: Eat as much clean plant food as you can. You will get results. And at 80% raw vegan you will get amazing results.
- Walk everywhere (or as much as you can!). Burning extra calories is as easy as going for a walk, something pretty much everyone can do and easily fit into their daily schedule. Stop taking the car everywhere – walk there instead. You’ll get healthier and slimmer, and save both money and the environment. If you are a large person, then an hour a day of brisk walking can burn as much as 150,000 calories in a year – enough by itself to reach a healthy bodyweight for most people who weigh too much.
- Start throwing around a kettlebell. Kettlebell training is the only form of exercise you need to get absolutely stunningly fit. Training with Kettlebells is extremely intense, and exercises both the cardiovascular system and the muscular system very, very effectively. You will get stronger and faster with kettlebell training, and gain a great deal of endurance as well. A good kettlebell workout will not only burn calories during your workout, but for the remainder of your day as your metabolism is boosted for many hours after the workout has come to an end.
- Get plenty of sunshine. Plenty of sunshine means plenty of vitamin D, and research shows that this vitamin is crucial for effective weight loss. Plenty of sunshine usually also means getting out of the house and living a more active lifestyle, which is associated with weight loss and improved health.
There you go! You can find more weight loss tips at, but to be honest: if you’re like most people you won’t really need them. Just do these five simple things, and weight loss will be yours!
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