The Best Power Foods
If you do not understand the reason you still feel exhausted after a good night’s rest,take a closer look at the food you put on your plate. Elizabeth Somer, a registered dietitian and author of “Eat Your Way To Happiness” states that even the slightest deficiency in a nutrient can cause you to feel sluggish. Eating a great deal of bad food will have about he same impact. So if your energy levels have not been high, add these energy-producing foods to your diet.
A drop in energy may mean you need more iron. Include extra iron rich foods like red meat, chicken, and fish. Another food source high in iron is liver but expectant mothers should not eat it because large quantities of Vitamin A are bad for fetuses. If meat isn’t your thing, other iron rich foods are spinach, soy beans, lentils, and enriched cereals. Your body will not absorb iron easily but adding more Vitamin C helps so drink a cup of orange juice.
Registered dietitian Carole Riggins says if your menstruation cycle is on the heavy side, your iron levels are lower. Be certain you are consuming enough iron to make up for the depletion. Caffeine can make you jumpy but so can foods with high amounts of refined carbohydrates like sweet cereals and white bread. Carbohydrates cause a brief surge in blood sugar but the impact will shortly go away making you feel tired again. Also get rid of the cola, sodas and drink only water.
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