5 Great Foods to Add to Your Diet to Encourage Fat Loss

Sometimes weight loss is as simple as adjusting what foods you choose to replace your habitual eating practice with. It may be easier than you think and end up giving you not only a chance to slim down but possibly more energy and an overall better quality of living as well. Like asparagus which increases circulation and contains the fat burning property, asparagus or beets, an excellent vegetable for stimulating the system into flushing out fat. Take a step back and assess these five great food choices below that you can add to your diet to encourage weight loss and … Read more at Cleanse Body

5 Benefits of Herbal Tea that you Probably Weren’t Aware Of

It’s been known for a while now that Herbal Tea can have many positive benefits for general health and is also a great aid when looking to lose weight. What most people don’t know is why it’s good for you and what areas of health it can help with.

The aim of this post is to highlight 5 benefits that you may not have been aware of before and to give you an insight into just how good for you herbal tea can be. These 5 benefits are:

  • Calming stomach and digestive system
  • Cleanses the body
  • Reduces appetite
  • Boosts metabolism
Read more at Cleanse Body