Melts Fat Away – 3 Tips For Easy Weight Loss

The ugly truth is that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is with discipline. You must use more calories than you intake in your diet. Here are some ideals that will help you.

1. Challenge Your Friends

One of the best ways to be accountable to yourself is to share your goal with others. Start a weight loss challenge with a group of friends. Set goals together, have weekly weigh ins, and share tips and recipes. Create a facebook group and goad each other into meeting at the gym for workouts. A member of our group … Read more at Cleanse Body

Diet Does Not Mean Hungry: Why You Shouldn’t Give up Your Snacks

When you mention the word diet, the first thing that comes to mind is usually sacrifice. You start to think about all the snacks and foods that you’ll have to do without so that you can stick to your diet. The truth is, healthy snacks are an important part of dieting success. Choosing the right foods for snacks will keep you from feeling hungry and help you avoid overdoing it at meal times.

Why Healthy Snacking Is Good for You

Snacking is not bad for you unless you choose snacks with empty calories and high sugar, fat, or sodium content. Eating regular snacks of healthier foods is a good way to avoid hunger and pack in some of the extra nutrients your body needs. If you just grit your teeth and try to push through the mid-afternoon hunger, you are far more likely to overeat when it’s finally time for that evening meal. Your body can only process a certain amount of food at one time. Eating smaller meals more frequently will keep your stomach full and you will take in fewer calories overall.

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Food Myths That Can Make You Fat

There are a number of erroneous, beliefs about nutrition, that can actually cause weight gain. Here is a list of some of the more common ones. Read on to discover if any of them are familiar to you.

Adopting a vegan eating plan will automatically cause weight loss.
It’s true that research has shown vegans and vegetarians typically consume fewer calories, but, going vegan strictly as a means of losing weight can backfire. Many times, those who are new to veganism can fail to consume adequate amounts of vital nutrients, and it can also be easy to fall into … Read more at Cleanse Body

The Secret to Beating Sugar Cravings

Have you ever been tempted to cave-in and buy that candy bar at the grocery store checkout? Was it the same candy bar that you had easily passed by dozens of times before? If so, had it been a while since you last ate? Do not blame yourself and think that you are weak with no willpower. Your brain may be sabotaging you.

The Study

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Southern California and Yale University has shown that when the glucose (sugar) levels in the blood drop, people are less able to control their desire … Read more at Cleanse Body

Healthy Snacking Tips

When you hear the word “snack” what do you think of?  For some, it means weight gain, unhealthy or just a something to avoid.  However, it should mean weight loss, healthy and something that everyone should fit into their diets.  With the rise of sugary and salty foods, it can be hard to choose healthy snacks.  But they can be avoided—and there are healthy ways to snack.

First of all, to avoid “over-snacking,” never go too long without eating.  This will ultimately cause you to overindulge in something you weren’t planning on eating that day—and chances are it’s not … Read more at Cleanse Body

A Clearer Path to Fat Loss

When you are trying to lose weight things can get jumbled and confusing. It’s hard to stay focused because there are so many mixed messages and some of them will be coming from your own brain. People will be telling you one method of fat loss that works better, while diet companies will claim that they have products to make the process much easier.

You might hear advice from friends who have managed to lose weight and let’s not forget the abundance of tips and tricks available on the Internet. It can be very easy for people to jump from … Read more at Cleanse Body