How To Safely Cleanse Your Body

How To Safely Cleanse Your Body

Learning how to safely cleanse your body is one of the most effective ways to promote optimal health.  When internal toxins are minimized, the body is better able to ward off sickness, balance itself and maintain higher levels of energy.  Following are a few easy strategies for removing internal contaminants, including heavy metals.

Moderate Cleanses

Some of the best cleanses do not require people to use any special products.  These are implemented at home by simply eliminating processed and refined foods from the normal diet.  Several days of clean eating will alleviate some … Read more at Cleanse Body

Four ‘Sinful’ Treats Turn Out To Be Healthy

You’ve probably heard of and read about all kinds of food that you shouldn’t be eating. And you’ve most likely downsized your grocery list to almost nothing when you followed the so-called list of ‘Foods to avoid.’ But are there ‘Sinful’ Treats that are healthy?

Newsflash: Not everything on that list would make you gain a crazy amount of weight, nor would 90% of that give you some strange disease. And you know what else? Even foods such as those listed below, which may have made it to the ‘elite’ batch of foods to not touch at all, can … Read more at Cleanse Body

Making Delicious Dishes with Iron Rich Foods

It might take a while before you realize that you have an iron deficiency. It’s not uncommon for people to misdiagnose themselves since the main symptom is general fatigue. People usually know something is wrong because it’s not the type of fatigue associated with a loss of sleep or hectic lifestyle. It’s a general feeling that stays with you throughout the day no matter what you do. Some people try to solve the problem by taking a few extra naps or going to bed earlier at night. The problem lies in an iron deficiency in your bloodstream, and that’s what … Read more at Cleanse Body

Drink Fresh Fruit Juice for More Energy

Have you been feeling down lately? Have you been feeling tired? If you feel like you have run out of energy and need more of it, you can certainly get more just drinking a glass of fresh fruit juice daily. There are fruit juices especially formulated so you can feel revitalized. Make it a point to include fresh fruit and vegetable juices everyday to your diet and drink it first in the morning before breakfast. Fruits and vegetables contain enzymes, minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and many more. And because juice is in liquid form, it does not take much to … Read more at Cleanse Body

The Health Benefits of Oranges

This fruit is native to the country of the mandarins. The orange was widespread in Syria and Egypt since the beginning of the Christian era. Its culture began to expand in Europe during the first crusades.

Health benefits of oranges

The curative qualities of the orange were known and appreciated in the 13th century, when it was prescribed to patients as a way to improve their general health.

To list the properties of the orange first means to remember its mineralizing qualities: it is a large repository of minerals – especially calcium – this fruit strengthens the body by stimulating … Read more at Cleanse Body